Monday 20 December 2010


Finished a creature feature short and hoped to sell it to a publisher, but most publishers I looked  up wanted stories of less than 5000 words, and this one is about 5600 words long. I really tried to keep it less than 5000 words but the story wouldn't co-operate. I guess I could try to edit it, but then, it wouldn't be the story I want. Ah well, so be it.

Lots of snow recently, snowed in today, couldn't get to work, but didn't write much either. Won't get paid either. No holiday left, so I really must try for work tomorrow. Just hope I don't break my neck getting to the bus stop.

People moan about the roads, but I haven't heard anyone talk about the pavements, especially on old country lanes or housing estates, where loads of people have compacted the snow into ice and I am firm believer that these pavements are more dangerous than many roads.

Roads are there for people to travel, and in their accidents, they are usually in cars which nowadays are designed like safety cages. People on pavements can slip up with not even a safety net and break limbs and necks.

I heard that a friend of my mother's slipped up in Guildford and broke her arm in two places, and she was a younger woman.

I am depressing myself. Don't want to go tomorrow, but I can't afford another payless day.

Until next blog, next week, whether I'm at home, hospital or morgue...

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