Monday 20 December 2010


Finished a creature feature short and hoped to sell it to a publisher, but most publishers I looked  up wanted stories of less than 5000 words, and this one is about 5600 words long. I really tried to keep it less than 5000 words but the story wouldn't co-operate. I guess I could try to edit it, but then, it wouldn't be the story I want. Ah well, so be it.

Lots of snow recently, snowed in today, couldn't get to work, but didn't write much either. Won't get paid either. No holiday left, so I really must try for work tomorrow. Just hope I don't break my neck getting to the bus stop.

People moan about the roads, but I haven't heard anyone talk about the pavements, especially on old country lanes or housing estates, where loads of people have compacted the snow into ice and I am firm believer that these pavements are more dangerous than many roads.

Roads are there for people to travel, and in their accidents, they are usually in cars which nowadays are designed like safety cages. People on pavements can slip up with not even a safety net and break limbs and necks.

I heard that a friend of my mother's slipped up in Guildford and broke her arm in two places, and she was a younger woman.

I am depressing myself. Don't want to go tomorrow, but I can't afford another payless day.

Until next blog, next week, whether I'm at home, hospital or morgue...

Tuesday 14 December 2010


Second time I wrote this, accidentally closing this tab!

I need to bring some discipline to my writing, I have got four- or five short stories in various stages of completion. A couple need a little effort to get them going whilst one seems to be writing itself. I need to concentrate on one at a time!

I see  BBC2 are showing a new dramatisation of Whistle And I'll Come To You, with John Hurt. Based on the M.R. James short story Whistle And I Will Come To You, My Lad. I got the old b&w version on dvd somewhere...

Until next time.

Monday 6 December 2010


Not a real lot to say this week, progressed in one short story and found something I was looking for on the internet which I didn't know what it was called  for another story idea.

Also been thinking about the King Arthur legends, simply because of the series finale of Merlin on Saturday.  It's getting ridiculous that Arthur still doesn't know that Merlin is a sorceror.

I was thinking of what a modern day take on the legend would be like. Would a modern day King Arthur be a CEO of a mega-company? And his knights boardroom directors? Corporate espionage becomes open military warfare. Gives a new meaning to a hostile takeover. Perhaps Arthur would be the CEO and his knights are the corporate security troops.  Or maybe have the Arthur story set modern day or near future, post apocalyptic meltdown and Arthur fighting in a civil war, or give it a fantasy twist, aliens or genetically engineered  super soldiers.

I might be interested in watching or reading such a story, but I am not interested in writing it.  If ever I do write an Arthurian story, it would be the old armour plate type  medieval kind of setting.

And I know Star Wars was kind of based on it,  with Obi-wan being Merlin and Luke Arthur. The original, that is.

Well, that's all for today.