Monday 28 November 2011


Wow, it has been a long time since my last blog.

No work at work and having to stay home on unpaid holiday. Which sucks.

My serialised sci-fi story isn't progressing as I had hoped. Took a long break from it to do other stuff, but got back on it. Writing part 6 now and it looks like I will have to add a part 7 to properly finish the story properly.

Having solar panels fitted but it's a pain, scaffolding has been up almost two weeks but the solar panels are still not up. Internal work was done last Wednesday, they arrived about 5pm and were finished at about 8. Been told the panels will be up tomorrow and commisioned  and all finished.


Tomorrow is supposed to be all wind and rain...

Until next week.

Or next time I get to blog...

Monday 18 July 2011


I just wrote a long post, then had to sign in and lost it and I can't be bothered to write it out again...

Subjects were George RR Martin's A Dance with Dragons, and Jonathan Maberry's The King of Plagues.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


Not much to say.

Real life interfering with my writing time...

A  birthday party for my brother was on Sunday, whole family was there.

Maybe more next week.

Monday 4 July 2011


Didn't write last week, as it was too warm to do anything.

Did a little re-editting of several of my stories.

Last night, or  rather this morning, I had a dream. Several people in futuristic clothes were being hunted down in wat I thought was a hospital basement, where large pieces of equipment/whatever was being moved about on overhead rails, crushing those unfortunate to be in the way. They were also finding other victims. It was all very grimy and gory. I had the impression that the new people were a rescue team, but don't know who/what was bumping them off. I, of course, awoke before finding out what was going on.

That's all for this week.

Monday 20 June 2011


Almost finished the third part. This part is all action and I am liking it...

Nothing much else to blog about...

Until next time...

Monday 13 June 2011


I am still here, still trying to write.

Read Christopher Farnsworth's Blood Oath, which I liked a lot. The President's most secret operative in the most secret War on Horror - a vampire!

Been reading up on forums for George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice & Fire, the H.B.O.'s series of the first book, Game of Thrones. Can't watch it on Sky Atlantic or over the internet (really eats up my broadband allowance), so really looking forward to the dvd release, whenever it is.

Trying out a serialised science fiction series, slated for six parts and on part three now, structured as;
Part 1: Introduce the sacrificial lambs.
Part 2: Introduce the villains.
Part 3: Introduce the heroes/rescue remaining sacrificial lambs.
Part 4: Heroes mission.
Part 5: Villains' counter-attack.
Part 6: Climax.

Not quite shaping out as I thought it would, and taking longer than my original expectations (plot progression as opposed to actually writing it) but getting there. Trying for a 5k word count per chapter, slightly over part one, slightly below part two.

I will try to be more regular posting now, even if it's too say nothing.

Monday 21 March 2011

Monday 28 February 2011


"Permission to speak, sir. Nothing to say, sir." Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill, Sharpe's Company, tv version.

Want to say something, but have nothing really to report. A new short story started, inspired by Greek  mythology, but not saying which one yet. I had kind of planned a series of shorts based on various Greek mythological creatures/beings/characters/Gods/Titans, but we'll see.

Did a re-edit of The Whitby Ripper, still on the wrong side of 5 thousand words...

Until next week, then...

Monday 21 February 2011

Monday 14 February 2011


I have been recovering from a stomach bug,  feeling  weak  and listless. Missed days of work, losing pay doing so and haven't really felt like writing. Done a little, but only a little.

Feeling better now, but still don't feel like writing. I am going to have to try, tho.

I am starting to really hate my work place and work 'mates', how I didn't kill anybody last week, only God knows...

Tuesday 1 February 2011


Feeling a bit down at the moment. Had a couple teeth pulled Friday, jaw still feels sore.

Still writing.

Not much else to report...

Monday 17 January 2011


Nothing to say really.

I got to say more than that.

Well, I got more time to write tomorrow, one day's unpaid holiday because not enough work is coming in at work. Which is more preferable than being laid off. The Boss is being good, that he doesn't want to lose his employees, but if not enough work is coming in, he can't pay our wages. We do have work coming in, but it hasn't been commited yet. So until the orders are processed...

Monday 10 January 2011


The holidays are over and working again. Kind of. Not much work, so it's slow going.

The writing took a back burner for a couple of weeks. Christmas meant family, so I didn't get to write as much as I hoped for.

So not a lot to write about.

Christmas presents I got? The Casebook of Carnacki the Ghost Finder by W.H. Hodgson, which I recently finished reading, excellent. Got interested in Carnacki via William Meikle's Carnacki short stories.
Also got Varney the Vampire by James Malcolm Ryder, a huge A4 format paperback about 800 pages long, which I haven't started to read yet!