Monday 18 July 2011


I just wrote a long post, then had to sign in and lost it and I can't be bothered to write it out again...

Subjects were George RR Martin's A Dance with Dragons, and Jonathan Maberry's The King of Plagues.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


Not much to say.

Real life interfering with my writing time...

A  birthday party for my brother was on Sunday, whole family was there.

Maybe more next week.

Monday 4 July 2011


Didn't write last week, as it was too warm to do anything.

Did a little re-editting of several of my stories.

Last night, or  rather this morning, I had a dream. Several people in futuristic clothes were being hunted down in wat I thought was a hospital basement, where large pieces of equipment/whatever was being moved about on overhead rails, crushing those unfortunate to be in the way. They were also finding other victims. It was all very grimy and gory. I had the impression that the new people were a rescue team, but don't know who/what was bumping them off. I, of course, awoke before finding out what was going on.

That's all for this week.